Right now I'm working on developing this website's parts database (which will make it easier for myself and other mod makers to maintain and update their mod parts) added some YouTube links to test the new mod info page and to see changelogs on this page (literally nothing else was changed, it\'s the same mod - you know it\'s the same ZIP because this changelog is not blue) this is a very basic File Mod, just puts the Modpack parts into the game without any real thought into the cost of trading for parts besides that, just updated this File Mod to work for version 0.5 updated and fixed a lot of particles and script files Until 0.5 becomes the main branch, please be aware that constant updates might happen / I might NOT update this modpack until 0.5 becomes main branch, just to prevent \"too many updates\" This update will not cause any conflicts with the previous update, you can still play with the icons missing no problem, though it is recommended to use this version fixed missing icons for woc capsule and glowbug capsule

discovered a lot more BS from axolot making things more and more difficult.modding might not be a thing anymore fixed modpack 0.5 for TEST branch March 13 some other minor changes to the Modpack Updated for version 0.5.1 Build 668 April 4th 2021